5 Tips to Eating Mindfully
The differences I’ve felt from eating mindfully are incredible, but it’s definitely been a journey and did not happen overnight. Most of us have been so programmed to eat quickly and to finish our plates, but why aren’t we taught to eat what we want and to stop when we’re full?
I’m teaching my daughter to listen to her body; I control what is on her plate, she controls what and how much she eats. Although I admit, sometimes it takes every ounce of me not to force her to eat her vegetables!
Here are my top 5 tips for eating mindfully.
Listen to your body. Check in with yourself and ask “what do I need right now?” and “how hungry am I?”. Rather than letting your thoughts take over and dictate what/how much you eat, honor the messages your body is sending you, because it knows exactly what you need.
Eat according to hunger. If you’re hungry eat until you are full, then stop. You don’t have to finish your plate, wrap it up for another meal. If you’re not hungry, wait and eat when you are or if you’re obligated to sit for a meal (ie. work lunch) have something really lite. “Meal times” are pre-programmed into us, so rethink and restructure accordingly.
Chew your food. Digestion starts in the mouth, not the stomach. You will have a harder time digesting your food if you don’t chew it properly. This can also lead to poor digestion, bloating and cramps.
Slow down. Enjoy your food. Enjoy the textures, the flavors and the satisfaction your meal provides.
If you don’t love it, don’t eat it. Just because it is there and in front of you does not mean you need it, want it or should have it. When you find yourself picking at food because it’s on the table, stop and make a mental note. Next time you’ll be more aware; continue to build upon that to create healthy eating patterns.
When you learn to slow down and listen to your body you’ll realize that eating mindfully is actually very natural and very easy.
Need some support in creating healthy eating patterns? I work with my private clients to implement small changes to their routines in order to create big impact on overall health. Book a consult to see if we’d be a fit.