What we aren’t taught about health

Did you know that nutrition is actually a secondary source of energy? Primary foods, or non-food sources of nourishment are what really fuel us. The four primary foods are having healthy, happy relationships, a fulfilling career, physical movement routines and a mindfulness practice. These are the cornerstones of what truly motivate us and nourish our inner most beings. The more fulfilled we are in these areas, the less we depend on the food that’s on our plate to fill those voids.

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In fact, many cultures and religions practice fasting to reduce secondary foods (what’s on our plate) in order to be able to receive a greater amount of primary food. Think about the last time you were truly happy, completely content with your life and just felt whole. What comes to mind? I bet it’s not what you were eating at the time.

Take some time to explore the balance between your primary food and secondary food. What areas could use some attention? Write down everything that comes up and take one small step today to improve one of your primary foods.

If you need some help balancing out these areas of your life, let’s have a chat. You can book a free consult to kickstart your journey.



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