Listening to your body’s inner wisdom

Written by Lindsey Kaszuba

In our chaotic modern lives, we often ignore the soft whispers of our own bodies. We override our natural hunger cues and eat based on rules or diets. We sit for hours, tethered to desks and screens, disconnected from our physical needs. We cram our calendars full, leaving little time for rest and reflection.

Wanna know the coolest thing? Our bodies have an inner wisdom we can always access if we learn how to tune in. This inner voice knows exactly what foods and movements help us thrive. It understands our needs better than any external diet or fitness guru ever could.

Learning to tap into our body's messages allows us to become healthier and more balanced from the inside out.

Here are some tips for tuning into your own inner wisdom:

  • Check in on a deeper level when you feel hunger rumblings. Is your body craving something hearty or light? Warm or cool? Savory or sweet? Learn when to say yes rather than defaulting to denial or restriction.

  • Build in small moments of activity throughout your day - walk meetings, squats during calls, some midday yoga. See how different types of movement affect your energy levels and your mood.

  • Evaluate how your schedule aligns with your natural ebbs and flows. Do you have reflective time built in? Are you more tired in the mornings or evenings? Sync your calendar with your personal rhythms and desires.

  • Spend some time journaling or meditating to hear your unfiltered thoughts. What is your inner voice trying to tell you?

Here’s a simple body scan exercise to help tap into your own wisdom:

Get in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Start to notice your body's sensations. Tune into the natural flow of your breath without needing to change it. Release any tension. Bring attention to the soles of your feet, your calves, knees, thighs, hips, back, chest, arms, hands, neck, head. How does each area feel? Warm/cool? Tense/relaxed? Nourished/depleted? Just gather data from your inner scan.

Now expand your awareness to your whole body at once. As you continue breathing slowly, see if you can get a sense of what your body most needs right now. More rest? Connection? Activity? Nutrition? Trust the signals.

When you’re ready, open your eyes and journal about your experience. Make time for regular check-ins to stay open to your body’s wisdom. Get to know and honor your unique rhythms and needs.

Your body has an inner voice - listen closely. It knows you better than any app or guru ever could. 

Tune in, and you’ll find the optimal balance and health that’s right for you. And if you need more support in unpacking what it’s telling you, I’m always here for you.




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