Bruschetta Pasta


Do you hear the word pasta and run the other way? Yup, that use to be me. I’ve gone from never eating pasta because I thought it wasn’t good for me to eating pasta multiple times a week. My trick? Skip the white pasta and opt for a plant-based pasta that has some nutritional benefits. My go-to pasta is red lentil, which believe it or not has 15 grams of protein! I think we all also need to focus on ditching labeling foods as ‘good’ or ’bad’ and just label them as food. When we focus more on the foods that give us energy and make us feel good and less on the foods that deplete our energy and throw our bodies into over drive we can climb our way out of the toxic diet culture we live in.

This Bruschetta pasta recipe is great for the whole family and like all my recipes it’s super easy. You can serve as the main course or with your choice of veggies. Hope you give it a try!


  • Pasta of choice (I used red lentil but chickpea is also great)

  • 2 garlic cloves- diced

  • 1/4 cup oil (I used avocado oil)

  • 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar

  • 1/2 cup fresh basil- chopped

  • 2 cup cherry tomatoes- halved

  • Salt + pepper to your liking

Combine all ingredients except pasta and let sit while the pasta cooks.

Cook the pasta and drain.

Mix together and serve.


Lentil Dahl