Staying on Track with Your Health During the Holidays is Simpler Than You Think

Written by Lindsey Kaszuba

The holiday season often derails even the most dedicated health enthusiasts. Between festive feasts, family gatherings, travel and packed schedules, keeping up healthy habits can feel impossible!

If you find yourself stressed about staying on track during this chaotic time of year, you're not alone. I've been there too - trying yet another new diet only to "fall off the wagon" after one too many slices of pumpkin pie.

I used to end each holiday season feeling frustrated, defeated, and overwhelmed about my health. I just couldn't seem to make any progress stick. And the contradictory advice floating around online only made things more confusing - you know those Google searches that populate "Eat this, not That" or "How to lose Holiday weight gain.” Cringe.

But what I’ve discovered over years of trial and error is that staying consistent doesn't need to be complicated, even when life gets chaotic. I’m a mom of three with kids ages 5 and under, running a business, and doing all the things for myself and everyone else…chaotic is most definitely a word I use to explain my life!

In fact, keeping things simple is the key to developing habits that stand the test of time.

In this post, we’ll unpack:

  • Why consistency beats intensity around the holidays

  • Why small shifts create a big impact

  • Tools to stay on track amidst the hustle

So you can relax, enjoy the seasonal festivities AND continue making progress towards your wellness goals!


After years of failing at restrictive diets and rigorous exercise plans every January, I finally realized the problem: I was making health WAY too hard!

I'd try to follow fancy meal plans with far too many ingredients. I'd sign up for trendy workout programs completely unrelated to what I enjoyed. And when life got busy, these elaborate regimens were the first things to fall apart…because hello, they were entirely unrealistic.

What I discovered is lasting change doesn’t come from intense short-term efforts. It happens gradually through simple, consistent choices that fit seamlessly into your lifestyle. THAT is sustainable.

The people who seem to effortlessly meal prep healthy food or squeeze in regular workouts don't have more motivation or willpower than you. They've simply developed little rituals that nourish their bodies and minds consistently overtime. That’s the secret.

Once I shifted my focus to sustainable habits over unsustainable intensity, everything changed!


Committing to move daily outside of gym walls, filling half my plate with vegetables, going for walks and getting outside as much as possible, listening to what my body truly needed - these micro-actions added up to improved energy, better sleep and more confidence without requiring huge overhauls, or taking up all of my mental capacity.

Here are 3 simple strategies you can start implementing today to continue progressing your health during the hustle of the holidays:

-Don’t beat yourself up thinking you ruined your “progress” when you have too many cookies.

-Squeeze in 10 minutes of yoga or another type of movement between activities.

-Go for evening family walks to destress from the day over another movie marathon.

Tiny tweaks really do make a massive difference over time! And the key is not expecting perfection - just focus on stacking as many nourishing choices as you reasonably can amidst the chaos.

Remember progress happens in increments - not overnight transformations. As long as you're gradually building healthy momentum, you're succeeding!


Creating new rituals doesn't mean you have to go it alone. Having the right support makes staying consistent infinitely easier.

Here are 3 tools for keeping health goals front and center:

Favorite Podcasts and Audiobooks

- Make your commute, holiday cooking and workouts more fun and inspiring by listening to motivating content. Health Club Collective is a great tool for this!

Tune into YOUR body

- Ask yourself “what do I need right now?”, get quiet and connect with yourself to discover what you really need + how your body is feeling.


- Connect with a network of like-minded individuals also making health a priority amidst busy seasons. You can always shoot me a message if you don’t have anyone else to connect with!

Invest time into gathering the right knowledge, knowing what you need without rigidity and plugging into an empowering community. You'll be amazed how seamless making healthier choices can feel, even during the holidays!


I hope this article helped you realize you absolutely CAN stay on course towards your wellness goals amidst the holiday hustle!

It just requires a mindset shift from unsustainable intensity to simple consistency instead.

Choose nourishing foods because they help you show up as your best self - not because you "should." Find activities that disconnect you from stress and reconnect you to your miraculous body. And drown out the noise telling you healthy habits require immense struggle and sacrifice.

You've got this! Wishing you and your family a healthy AND happy holiday season!




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