How to Rewire Your Relationship with Movement

Written by Lindsey Kaszuba

Do you view exercise as a chore, punishment, or obligation rather than a self-care ritual? In this post, I'll share how I transformed my own relationship with movement so you can learn to move in ways that nourish you too. Hint: it doesn’t need to be so forced!


I used to see working out as a necessary evil to "earn" my meals and "fix" my body. I forced rigid gym sessions into my mornings and beat myself up if I slept in instead. Even when I dragged myself there, I was never fully present. I pushed my body past its limits, not listening to what it needed. My workouts were often a source of anxiety, not joy.

This distorted view of exercise was deeply tied to my struggle with body image and diet culture mentality. I associated movement with guilt, restriction, and impatience to see results rather than a gift I gave my body and a source of energy and nourishment.


When I became a mom, I knew I needed to radically shift my relationship with exercise to show my kids that exercise is a form of nourishment, and can be realistic and fun, not something that is forced and rigid. So I threw away the rulebook. Yes, it was a little scary at first!

I started doing Melissa Wood Health in my PJs instead of forcing gym sessions. I went on walks to get my steps in. As long as I did something enjoyable that nourished my body, I considered it a win.

No longer measuring my worth by calories burned or beating myself up when I didn't complete a workout, movement became an act of joyful & realistic self-care. I began listening to my body's needs day-to-day instead of forcing a rigid routine.

This mindset shift changed everything. I started making movement a consistent habit because I WANTED to, not because I HAD to. And my body & mind transformed.

Now I call exercise movement because to me, movement is simply moving your body. Whereas the word “exercise” still gives me PTSD from those rigid days of forcing it. Blah, no thanks!


Here are some tips to reshape your mindset around exercise like I did. An important note: this is NOT a one-size-fits-all approach. These are simply broad recommendations. If you’d like more personalized support, make sure to book a call with me to chat more.

  • Let go of all-or-nothing thinking. Any movement is good movement.

  • Focus on how movement makes you feel rather than calories burned.

  • Explore new forms of movement that bring you joy, from dance to hiking to chasing the kids around. 

  • Make it small & sustainable - start with 5-10 minutes a day then build up.

  • Let go of your inner critic. Celebrate showing up instead of scrutinizing.

  • Look at movement as necessary self-care, not a chore.

  • Schedule it to make it non-negotiable, but stay flexible day-to-day.

  • Choose movement based on your energy level each day, not forcing a rigid routine.


Here’s a journal prompt to help you get clear:

What are your rules about movement? Does it feel like it needs to be long, painful, or sweaty? Is it forced or a form of punishment? Write it ALL down.

What movement did you gravitate towards as a child? Was it something stretchy like ballet or gymnastics? Did you like running, playing soccer or volleyball? Even if you didn’t play a sport, think of what you liked to do. Run around outside? Swim? Play?

How can you incorporate these types of movements into your life right now?



If you want to break the diet mentality and heal your relationship with exercise, I can help. My coaching program will give you women the mindset tools and personalized support needed to rediscover movement as an act of joyful self-care. And well, this mindset trickles over to how you view food too.

Schedule a free discovery call with me to get started. You deserve to enjoy exercise and feel good in your own skin. I’m here for you when you’re ready.

Lindsey xx


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