The Year of Doing Less to Achieve More: A Journey to Wellness

Written by Lindsey Kaszuba

I've been having A LOT of synchronicities happening around me the last few months. Honestly, it’s getting weird!

I’m talking angel numbers almost daily (11:11, 2:22, etc), my word for 2024 is JOY, and no lie I’ve been seeing it EVERYWHERE, which to me, is confirming I’m on the right path and doing what feels in alignment with my soul.

The biggest thing I’ve done differently this year? LESS. Let me explain.

As I’ve reflected on the last year, there were SO MANY things that did not go how I would have liked. There were also so many things I did not expect that turned out so much better than I could ever have imagined.

Something I’m so proud of is that I’ve scaled wayyyy back and have done so much less than in previous years. Less busy work, less stress, less saying yes.

That means more aligned work, more mindfulness, more saying no.

The Power of Doing Less

A huge part of that is that I’ve worked HARD on being more present with what’s right in front of me and getting off my damn phone.

At first, it was sooo hard - I’d end up on Instagram without even realizing it.

But the moment I realized it, I put it away. The first few weeks, I’d beat myself up for being on my phone so much, but then, what seemed like all of a sudden, I became so plugged into dancing with the kids, eating my meal, or just enjoying the peace and quiet that I didn’t even miss my phone. Call me crazy, I know.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely still on my phone, but not in the moments that I would regret missing out on. Because when we half-ass something, we’re not truly there.

Health and Half-Assing

Our health is the same. When we kind of show up for ourselves (i.e., salads for lunch but junk food for snacks), we aren’t taking ourselves or our health seriously.

Here's the truth: a thriving life hinges on a thriving you. You can't pour from an empty cup, and prioritizing your well-being isn't an optional luxury, it's a necessity.

Introducing the Simple Health Framework

That's where I come in. I’m your friendly health consultant, and I support busy women like you to bridge the gap between knowing what to do and actually doing it.

There’s nothing I love more than working with you to look under the hood of your lifestyle to find where we can build new SIMPLE systems and routines that fit within your schedule so you can achieve long-term consistency.

Say hello to waking up with abundant energy, walking into the kitchen confidently knowing what to eat, and rolling out your yoga mat without the slightest sign of your old “I’ll do it later” excuse.

I can teach you this because I’ve been there.

My Biased Journey

I’ve spent countless hours dieting and counting calories, way too much money on grueling workout classes, and the all too often occasion of looking at the scale thinking that my weight was the best mile marker of health.

Imagine feeling confident in your ability to know what to eat for your body, waking up each morning feeling motivated and energized, excited to start your morning routine. Stop sacrificing your health for the sake of it “being too hard” and let's unlock your full potential, together.

2024: The Year of Doing Less to Achieve More

2024 is the year of doing less to achieve more. It's about simplifying and streamlining, about finding the essence of what truly matters to us and letting go of the rest. It’s about embracing the JOY of life, not just as a word for the year, but as a daily practice.

Wanna Join Me on This Journey?

I invite you to come along with me and do LESS. Together, we’ll explore the power of simplicity, the magic of mindfulness, and the joy of prioritizing your health.

Want to learn how to do less and achieve more in your health? Book a Power Hour and get an action plan for moving forward.

In the end, it's not about how much we do, but how well we do what truly matters. Here's to a year of doing less, but achieving more – in health, happiness, and everything that truly lights up your soul.

Let's make 2024 the year of lasting transformation through SIMPLE health!

If you enjoyed this post, you’ll love this one about making your health a priority.

xx, Lindsey

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The Art of Balancing a Busy Lifestyle and Maintaining Health


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