Tuning In
The first step in achieving your goals is to be clear about your intentions. In this sample lesson, you'll learn to differentiate between what feels good to you and what is familiar and/or comforting. When you put this lesson into practice, it becomes a very powerful tool. It can help you gain a deeper understanding of how the everyday routines you do impact how you feel.
You can listen to the lesson and visualization as many times as you like. The more you listen and implement the greater the transformation.
STEP 1: Listen to this week’s coaching lesson and complete the worksheet.
STEP 2: Listen to the visualization and revisit this daily if it feels good for you.
STEP 3: Read the weekly health tip and review the bonus resources below.
Lesson Materials
Take a pause, and ask, “How does this make me feel?”
bonus Resources:
RECONNECT TO YOUR INTUITION pdf (download below)